Career Vacancies


Transform your career by joining our winning team.

We're looking for ambitious, talented, resourceful individuals to join our growing business.

Senior Business Development Manager

Newcastle upon Tyne

Full time

At Forfusion, we take pride in delivering world class project delivery and support services to our rapidly growing client base. We’re looking for a positive, enthusiastic and resourceful individual to join our...

2nd Line Support Engineer

Newcastle upon Tyne

Full time

At Forfusion we take pride in delivering world class project delivery and IT Managed Services as Cisco Experts, to our client base. We’re looking for a positive, enthusiastic and resourceful individual to join our...

Sales Support Executive

Newcastle upon Tyne

Full time

At Forfusion we take pride in delivering world class project delivery and IT Managed Services as Cisco Experts, to our client base. We’re looking for a positive, enthusiastic and resourceful individual to join our...

Service Delivery Manager

Newcastle upon Tyne

Full time

At Forfusion we take pride in delivering world class project delivery and IT Managed Services as Cisco Experts, to our client base. We’re looking for a positive, enthusiastic and resourceful individual to join our...

Service Desk Manager

Newcastle upon Tyne

Full time

At Forfusion we take pride in delivering world class project delivery and IT Managed Services as Cisco Experts, to our client base. We’re looking for a positive, enthusiastic and resourceful individual to join our...

Civilian Work Attachment Scheme

Work Experience

North East

What is a Civilian Work Attachment? The Civilian Work Attachment (CWA) scheme allows members of HM Armed Forces transitioning from the Military to gain insight into a particular job role or industry through unpaid......
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