ESG Status Report FY24/25

ESG Status Report FY24/25

This report details our company's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives and progress.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Status Report FY24/25.

Our People

  • Enable Hybrid Working: encourage continuous adoption for all employees; made easier with the provision of market-leading cloud-based unified communications, collaboration applications, and video endpoints.

Achieved: 100%

  • Minimise staff travel: where delivery via remote working is not commercially viable, minimise staff travel via road and air, encourage sustainable methods of travel, and carefully consider vehicle sharing.

Goal: Reduce internal (UK) flights by 50%

Target: by end of FY 25/26

Achieved: 30%

  • Offer Cycle To Work (CTW) scheme: obtain board sign-off and implement a CTW scheme via a financially supported mechanic, promoting health and well-being and improving Environmental and Sustainability outcomes.

Achieved: 100%

  • Offer Electric Vehicle (EV) scheme: research, evaluate, and formally launch a company-wide EV scheme via salary sacrifice or a similar tax-efficient scheme that encourages employee adoption.

Achieved: 100%


  • High CO2 Emitting Vehicles: due to diesel vehicles contributing a higher proportion of CO2 emissions, we are committed to assessing the number and impact of removing diesel engine vehicles from use within our Company fleet and replacing them with petrol as a minimum and EV in the longer term.

Achieved: 100%

  • Decommission Data Centre (DC) Hosting Facility: with the move to cloud workloads leaving minimally used but constantly powered infrastructure, we've focussed on further carbon footprint reduction by removing the data centre deployment.

Achieved: 100%

Supply Chain

  • Inbound and Outbound Shipments (method): work with our Distribution Partners and Couriers to assess delivery method transport options and ensure that, where possible, the method used for our inbound and outbound shipments is via the most Environmentally Sustainable delivery method possible at the time and preferably by EV.

Goal: Increase EV based delivery method by 30%

Target: by end of 2026

Achieved: 25%

  • Inbound and Outbound Shipments (volume): to minimise further CO2 emissions, we will work closely with our Distribution Partners and Couriers to ensure that both inbound and outbound shipments are consolidated into as few shipments as possible, reducing unnecessary journeys and promoting our sustainability message.

Goal: 100% of deliveries both inbound and outbound to be in single shipments.

Target: by end of 2026

Achieved: 95%

Net Zero Operations

  • External Carbon Offsetting Audit: where ESG Goals do not achieve a Net Zero operating characteristic for the company, we leverage our organisation-wide assessment of current CO2 emissions, energy usage, and staff working practises and, through engagement with an external auditor, ensure we achieve Carbon Neutral status through offsetting for that year.

Achieved: 100% (for 2023-24)

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